Luke 2:1-20: Tuesday, December 25, 2012

…So the shepherds went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger.  When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them.  But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.  (Luke 2:16-19)

A friend recently sent me an online devotional that asked the following:  “Are we stopping long enough to look, to take in experiences, digest them, and grow from them?  Or is our attention always focused upon the next event?  Are we running from one thing to another, never truly being present in the current moment?”  As Mary treasured the words of the shepherds and pondered them in her heart, she became more present in the moment and grew more aware of God’s presence with her and her blessed child.

For heightened awareness of God’s presence, many of us do not need to add to or enrich the many events of Advent as much as we need to simplify and quiet ourselves.  Like Mary, we probably need to slow down and ponder for a while.  We will not likely slow the hectic pace of the world around us, but we can slow ourselves down for a few minutes and reflect upon those experiences that may have held more meaning for us than we realized.

So today, Christmas Day!, before rushing to the next “experience”…slow down…ponder for a while…become more aware of God’s presence in your life as you allow yourself a few minutes of silence.

One helpful way of slowing down and pondering is by utilizing “The Daily Examen”.  The Examen is an ancient practice of the Church that helps us reflect prayerfully in order to notice God’s presence and discern God’s will.  As we treasure this day the re-birth of our Savior and the precious gifts he offers  –  Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy –  let us ponder his gracious presence in our midst, utilizing the following edited form of the Examen.

  • This Advent, I have been grateful for (name at least 5):
  • This Advent, I saw God in my life when…
  • I was faithful to what I believe when I…
  • I felt disconnected from God when…
  • One way I want to do things differently next year is…
  • For this Christmas, I need to accept that…
  • My prayer for this Christmas is…

Lord, enable me to be more fully present to you and to others this day.  Hear my prayer, O Lord, and make me more aware of your divine will; through Jesus, whose good news still amazes me, Amen.

by Todd Speed


(devotional direction inspired from an online devotional from the book Touchstones)

(Examen edited from the Faith Leader Participant book, Woodmont Christian Church, 2005)