Monday, December 1, 2014: Isaiah 40:6-11

Isaiah 40:8A voice says, “Cry out.” And I said, “What shall I cry?” “All men are like grass and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.” [NIV]

Several years ago I bought a new truck. It was a really nice truck. The salesman I bought it from told me how well built it was. He told me I would have many years of good service. I was very proud of that truck and I drove it for many years, and like the salesman said, it was well built, and I had no trouble with it. I drove my truck for 12 years. Then one morning I went out to drive my truck. It started up but would not move. My wonderful
truck’s transmission was broken, and the truck would not move.

A very important person in my life was my Grandfather. He was smart and kind and funny. I knew he loved me just as I loved him. He was interested in everything I did. I admired him so much. He was a leader in the church as well as the community. I looked up to him and felt he could do no wrong. I never thought that one day he would not be with me. Then one day my Grandfather had a heart attack and died.

My truck was a very good truck, and I was proud of it, but after 12 years the transmission broke, and the truck
wouldn’t move. My Grandfather was a wonderful man, but he had a heart attack and died and was no longer
with me.

God tells us that men are like the grass that will not last forever and will wither and die. My truck is just a manmade
object, and even though I was proud of it and it served me well for many years, it finally broke down.

God tells us in this passage that the only things that last forever are the promises He made to us. He promises to
love us and to care for us. I know this is true. I have seen it time after time in my life and am comforted that
when I too die, I will be with God forever.

*What have I had in my life that I thought would last forever? Can I trust God all the time?

Dear Lord, thank you for your promises to me, for being the one thing in my life that will always be with me. In Christ‘s name I pray.

–by Candler Broom

Candler Broom is an Elder and has been a member of DPC for over 70 years.