What Is Advent?

advent_candles Advent is a season of the church year beginning four Sundays before Christmas Day.  The word advent means “coming,” and the season of Advent is a time of waiting and preparation—waiting for Christmas, yes, but also waiting for Jesus.

During Advent we remember that the Israelites were waiting for the Messiah.  They were waiting for Jesus to come!  We live in a very unique time when we remember Jesus’ first coming (his birth on the first Christmas Day) and look forward to his second coming.  We read in scriptures that Jesus has promised to return to earth, and when he does, all his promises will be fulfilled.  All people and everything in the earth will once again be just like God created it to be—without sin, evil, injustice, war, sickness, grief, or suffering.

And that is something definitely worth waiting for!

In the meantime, we wait, and we prepare for Jesus to come again.  We try to live the way he taught us, and we try to share with other people the good news of Jesus.

This devotional guide is designed to help you and your family as you wait and prepare this Advent season.  Each week you may light another candle on your Advent wreath, and each day you may read the devotional together.  Each day has questions for you to discuss and a prayer for you to pray together.  There is no right or wrong way to use this resource, but we pray that it draws your family closer to Christ during this special time, and will encourage you as you stand apart from the cultural chaos of the season and seek the source of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy—our Savior, Jesus Christ.

You may sign up from this blog to receive daily emails, or you may check the blog each day for new devotions. The devotions will post the night before their date.  We pray it will be an encouragement and challenge to you in this time of preparation and hope that you will thank those who contributed.

If you are new to DPC’s Advent devotional blog, welcome! We invite you to scroll down past this post to see some of the devotions from Advent 2013.  If these devotions were part of your Advent journey last year, perhaps you can find some of the devotions that you found meaningful by scrolling down or searching the archives.

Advent blessings to you as you begin this journey and we continue to seek the Source together.

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